The Back is one of the most important parts of the human anatomy. It is also one the most neglected. Back muscles give power to the body, that play a major role in all functions. They connect the hips, butt, chest, shoulder and neck. It is a conjunction between major body muscles of human body parts.
Target Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi.
How to do it:
Grab a low-resistance band and
set it out on the ground. Stand on the middle of the band, grabbing the two ends in either hand
with a pronated (overhand) grip, hinging at the hips and slightly bending your knees in an athletic
stance. Make sure that your back isn't rounded. Squeeze your back to pull the band ends simultaneously
to your chest, or as close as the band allows. Pause for a moment at the top of the motion, then slowly
return to the original position, working against the band's resistance.
Target Muscles: Latissimus dorsi, Serratus and Rhomboids.
How to do it:
Grab a pair of light dumbbells
and about as much space as you would need to perform pushups. Get in a plank position with
your feet spread wide, gripping the dumbbells with your palms facing parallel to each other.
Squeeze your glutes and core to maintain a strong spinal alignment, looking at the floor
ahead of you. Use your lats to row one of the dumbbells to chest height, then return the
weight to the ground, keeping the rest of your body balanced in its position. Control the
load up and down the movement — if you have to contort your body and shift your back to lift
the dumbbells, drop down to a lower weight. Perform a pushup, maintaining spinal alignment,
and repeat the motion with the opposite arm.
Target Muscles: Latissimus dorsi.
How to do it:
You only need one dumbbell to do the job here.
Place it on the ground next to a bench on the side you're planning to work. Mount the bench with your weight
on your opposite knee and hand, planting the same side leg on the ground. Bend at the hips, and keep your back
straight, picking up the dumbbell with your work hand and allowing it to hang straight down from your shoulder.
Pull the dumbbell up to the side of your torso without rotating your shoulders or losing your balance. Pause for
a count at the top before lowering the weight to the starting position.
Target Muscles: Latissimus dorsi, Trapezius andRhomboids..
How to do it:
Sit on an incline bench with your chest forward,
resting on the support. Grab dumbbells with a neutral grip, keeping your chest strong and allowing your arms to hang.
Squeeze your back to pull the weights to your hips, with your elbows bent at 90-degree angles. Squeeze your shoulder
blades for one to two seconds maintaining your position, then return to the starting point.
Target Muscles: Trapezius.
How to do it:
Place a bar at about hip height on a
Smith machine or power rack. Lower yourself to the ground underneath the bar, grabbing it with an
overhand grip with your hands positioned directly above your shoulders. Bend your knees and plant
your feet on the ground. Pull your shoulder blades back to start the rep, then pull up with your
arms to lift your chest to the bar. Keep your wrists stable and maintain a straight line in your
spine, squeezing your glutes. Touch your chest to the bar before straightening your arms to return
to the starting position.
Target Muscles: Back, Trapezius, and all the stabilizer muscles in between.
How to do it:
Lie on your back underneath a barbell in a squat
rack with your knees bent to 90-degrees. Grab the bar with one hand with a neutral grip so that your other arm is extended.
Pull your chest toward the bar while simultaneously punching your other arm upward until it becomes fully extended above the bar.
Target Muscles: Latissimus, lower Trapezius, and Rear deltoids.
How to do it:
Grab a pair of dumbbells, hinge at your
hips and knees, and lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Your feet should be shoulder-width
apart, and your lower back should be naturally arched; just make sure to avoid rounding your lower back.
Let the dumbbells hang at arm’s length from your shoulders with your palms facing each other. Keeping your position,
lift one dumbbell to your side, pause at the top of the movement, and slowly lower it. Then repeat with your other arm.
Target Muscles: Latissimus dorsi.
How to do it:
Grab the barbell with an overhand grip,
holding your hands just further than shoulder width apart. Hinge at the hips and knees and lower your
torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Keep your back naturally arched, and make sure to avoiding
.rounding. Pull the bar to your upper abs and squeeze your shoulder blades toward each other. Pause, then
slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
Target Muscles: Latissimus dorsi, Trapezius, Rhomboids.
How to do it:
Grab a barbell with an underhand grip that’s
just beyond shoulder width, and hold it at arm’s length. Lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the
floor, and bend at your hips and knees. Let the bar hang at arm’s length. Pull the bar to your upper abs as
you squeeze your shoulder blades together. Pause, and slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
Target Muscles: Latissimus dorsi.
How to do it:
Grab the bar with an overhand grip
that's slightly wider than shoulder width. Lift yourself upward and hold
yourself slightly over the bar. Keep your elbows flexed, and your chin over the bar. Hang over
the bar in this position as long as is comfortable. Gradually increase how long you hang over
the bar as you build up to doing pull ups.
Target Muscles: Trapezius, upper, Trapezius, middle, Rhomboids, and Erector Spinae.
How to do it:
Load a barbell and roll it against your shins.
Bend at your hips and knees and grab the bar with an overhand grip, your hands just beyond shoulder width.
Keeping your lower back naturally arched, pull your torso up and thrust your hips forward as you stand up with
the barbell. Lower the bar to the floor and repeat.